Amiga Format CD 34
Amiga Format CD34 (1998-11-20)(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][Christmas issue].iso
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Text File
1,428 lines
; F1GP-Ed Install Script - Copyright © 1994-1998 Oliver Roberts
; $VER: Install_F1GP-Ed 4.27 (2.6.98)
; - German translation by Dirk Kocherscheidt
; - French translation by Daniel Grenson
; Distribution Parameters
(set #frenchdocexists 0)
; English strings
(set #str-installtype
"Choose installation:"
(set #str-hd
"Hard disk installation"
(set #str-floppy
"Floppy disk installation"
(set #str-help-installtype (cat
"F1GP-Ed is best installed to a hard drive. If you don't have "
"one, then select floppy disk and this installer will install "
"F1GP-Ed to floppy disk instead.")
(set #str-hdconfirm (cat
"Make sure you have booted from your hard drive, before "
"continuing with this installation!\n\nDo you want to continue?")
(set #str-floppyconfirm (cat
"Make sure you have a blank formatted disk ready. Refer to "
"the Workbench manual if you are unsure how to format a disk.\n\n"
"Do you want to continue?")
(set #str-diskwarn (cat
"IMPORTANT: If you are running this installer off a floppy disk, "
"please make sure the disk is write-protected before proceeding.\n\n"
"Please be aware that a full installation won't fit on a single DD "
"floppy disk, so it's best to only choose one language for the "
"documentation, and only the relevant locale catalog.")
(set #str-diskinsertnew
"Please insert a blank formatted disk in drive DF%ld:"
(set #str-diskremove
"You should now remove this disk and mark it as the %s disk."
(set #str-diskrename1
"main F1GP-Ed"
(set #str-diskanydrive (cat
"From now on you may insert this disk in any drive when requested "
"(i.e. not just the internal drive).")
(set #str-diskinsert
"Please insert the %s disk in any drive"
(set #str-copy
"Copying files to %s"
(set #str-tmpcopy
"Copying files to temporary directory"
(set #str-tmpclean
"Cleaning temporary directory"
(set #str-hdwhere
"Select where F1GP-Ed should be installed (a drawer called \"F1GP-Ed\" will be created)"
(set #str-fileexists (cat
"Could not create the \"F1GP-Ed\" drawer - make sure there are "
"no files called \"F1GP-Ed\" in the destination you selected.\n\n\n"
"Installation Failed!")
(set #str-drawerexists (cat
"The F1GP-Ed drawer already exists. It will be renamed "
"to \"F1GP-Ed_OLD\" if you want to keep any of the files "
"in it, otherwise all files will be deleted/replaced.")
(set #str-replacedrawer
"Replace drawer"
(set #str-renamedrawer
"Rename drawer"
(set #str-extract
"Unpacking files - this may take a while..."
(set #str-whichdocs
"Install documentation for which languages?"
(set #str-helplanguage
"Which language should be used for on-line help?"
(set #str-help-helplanguage (cat
"You should select your preferred language from the list so that "
"F1GP-Ed knows which version of the documentation to use for "
"the on-line help feature. This is done by modifying the "
"HELPFILE tooltype in the F1GP-Ed program icon.")
(set #str-whichcatalogs
"Install which catalogs? (english is built-in)"
(set #str-help-whichcatalogs (cat
"If you have Workbench 2.1 or higher, F1GP-Ed will be able to "
"make use of locale catalogs. This means that the strings in "
"F1GP-Ed itself can be in a different language.\n\n"
"Selected catalogs will be installed in the F1GP-Ed drawer.")
(set #str-confirmoptional
"Please select which of these you'd like to install"
(set #str-seasondata
"%s season data"
(set #str-soundfiles
"Replacement sound samples (%s drawer)"
(set #str-gfxfiles
"Replacement cockpit designs (%s drawer)"
(set #str-extrafiles
"Miscellaneous F1GP stuff (%s drawer)"
(set #str-update
"Installing newer version of %s"
(set #str-exe
"F1GP-Ed executable"
(set #str-iconfix
"Setting icon tools and tooltypes"
(set #str-floppyextras
"Copying extra files required for autobooting disk"
(set #str-theend (cat
"\nEnjoy using F1GP-Ed ;-)\n\n"
"The latest version of F1GP-Ed is always available from the "
"F1GP-Ed Web Page - %s\n\n%s\n")
(set #str-tmpstorage (cat
"Select an area to use as temporary storage. A drawer called \"%s\" "
"will be created there, and will be deleted when installation has "
"been completed. The default is usually sufficient.")
(set #str-prepdisk
"Preparing floppy disk"
(set #str-bootfloppyend (cat
"F1GP-Ed disk created. You should now be able to boot directly "
"from the disk after this installer has exited.")
(set #str-intdrive
"internal drive"
(set #str-selectfloppydrive (cat
"Select a valid floppy disk drive - this will be the drive that "
"will be used to initialize your blank disk. Unless your internal "
"drive is broken, it's probably best to go along with the default...")
; German strings
(if (= @language "deutsch") (
(set #str-installtype
"Wählen Sie die Art der Installation:"
(set #str-hd
"Festplatten Installation"
(set #str-floppy
"Floppy Disk Installation"
(set #str-help-installtype (cat
"F1GP-Ed wird am besten auf die Festplatte installiert. Wenn "
"Sie keine haben, dann wählen Sie Floppy Disk und der Installer "
"wird F1GP-Ed statt dessen auf Diskette installieren.")
(set #str-hdconfirm (cat
"Versichern Sie sich, daß Sie von Ihrer Festplatte gebootet haben, "
"bevor Sie mit dieser Installation fortfahren!\n\nMöchten Sie fortfahren?")
(set #str-floppyconfirm (cat
"Denken Sie daran, eine formatierte Leerdiskette bereit zu haben. "
"Schlagen Sie in Ihrem Workbench Handbuch nach, wenn Sie nicht genau "
"wissen wie man eine Diskette formatiert.\n\n"
"Möchten Sie fortfahren?")
(set #str-diskwarn (cat
"WICHTIG: Wenn Sie diesen Installer von Diskette laufen lassen, "
"dann überzeugen Sie sich, daß die Diskette schreibgeschützt ist, "
"bevor Sie fortfahren.\n\n Bitte denken Sie daran, daß die komplette "
"Installation nicht auf eine einzige DD Diskette paßt; es ist also am "
"besten, wenn Sie nur eine Sprache für die Dokumentation und nur den "
"für Sie relevanten Locale Catalog wählen.")
(set #str-diskinsertnew
"Bitte legen Sie eine formatierte Leerdiskette in Laufwerk DF%ld: ein"
(set #str-diskremove
"Sie sollten diese Diskette jetzt entfernen und als %s Diskette beschriften."
(set #str-diskrename1
"F1GP-Ed Haupt -"
(set #str-diskanydrive (cat
"Von jetzt an können Sie die Diskette in jedes beliebige Laufwerk "
"einlegen (d.h. nicht nur ins interne Laufwerk).")
(set #str-diskinsert
"Bitte legen Sie die %s Diskette in ein beliebiges Laufwerk"
(set #str-copy
"Kopiere Dateien nach %s"
(set #str-tmpcopy
"Kopiere temporär benötigte Dateien in temporäres Verzeichnis"
(set #str-tmpclean
"Säubere temporäres Verzeichnis"
(set #str-hdwhere (cat
"Wählen Sie, wo F1GP-Ed installiert werden soll (ein Verzeichnis namens "
"\"F1GP-Ed\" wird dort angelegt)")
(set #str-fileexists (cat
"Konnte das Verzeichnis \"F1GP-Ed\" nicht anlegen - überzeugen Sie sich, daß "
"keine Dateien namens \"F1GP-Ed\" in Ihrem gewählten Ziel sind.\n\n\n"
"Installation fehlgeschlagen!")
(set #str-drawerexists (cat
"Das F1GP-Ed Verzeichnis existiert bereits. Es wird in \"F1GP-Ed_OLD\" "
"umbenannt, wenn Sie irgendwelche Dateien daraus behalten wollen, "
"anderenfalls werden alle Dateien gelöscht/ersetzt.")
(set #str-replacedrawer
"Ersetze Verzeichnis"
(set #str-renamedrawer
"Benenne Verzeichnis um"
(set #str-extract
"Entpacke Dateien - das kann eine Weile dauern..."
(set #str-whichdocs
"In welchen Sprachen soll die Dokumentation installiert werden?"
(set #str-helplanguage
"Welche Sprache soll für die on-line Hilfe benutzt werden?"
(set #str-help-helplanguage (cat
"Sie sollten aus dieser Liste Ihre bevorzugte Sprache auswählen, so daß "
"F1GP-Ed weiß, welche Version der Dokumentation für das on-line Hilfe "
"Feature benutzt werden soll. Dies wird gemacht, indem